The Groove Stool story

Nothing makes me happier than a weekend of music, dancing, and friends! Music festivals are the highlight of my summers, but long days of dancing used to leave me with knee and back pain. This discomfort often meant I had to leave my friends and the dance floor to find a seat, making me choose between dancing with the crew or taking care of my body.

Having a Groove Stool at my side -and under my booty-completely transformed my festival experience. With it, I could rest without leaving the crowd, letting me dance and hang with my friends pain-free. Even after my pain went away, I kept using the Stool, and my friends did too. We discovered that taking short breaks let us dance longer and feel better throughout the whole festival.

I want to share the Groove Stool with you so you can dance your heart out while taking care of your body (happy bodies = happy people!) So check out this fantastic festival tool, and reach out if you have any questions. 

See you on the dance floor!
